Kirk Session

The new kirk session of the parish of West Moray, Church of Scotland is made up of all the elders from the sessions of the 8 churches that made up the new parish. Because the urban part of the Team Ministry is currently vacant we have an Interim Moderator in Reverend Richard Moffat of Dyke and Edinkillie. To assist in the transition to the new parish structure in accordance with the Mission Plan the Reverend Thomas Bryson is with us as the Mission Planning coordinator. Because of the large size of the new session and the task ahead the major offices of session have principals and deputies. The deputies are shared between the Urban and Rural parts of the parish to provide continuity in the short term.

Below is a list of the contact emails for the various officers which should be used for contacting them on session business. The Contact Us page linked here can be used for contacting the webmaster and for general enquiries.

Interim Moderator – Reverend Richard Moffat – – Mobile 07990946331

Mission Planning Coordinator – Reverend Thomas Bryson –

Team Ministry Rural Minister – Reverend Dewald Louw – – Mobile 07464847803

Session Clerk – Roy Anderson –

Urban Deputy Session Clerk – Ann Kurylak –

Rural Deputy Session Clerk – Corinne Davies –

Treasurer – Douglas Murray –

Facebook coordinator – Ishbel Hardie –

Any Safeguarding matters can be passed to one of the Safeguarding coordinators at

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